With the most exquisite and highest quality materials, our rugs are carefully handtufted with New Zeland wool and Mulberry silk, by the most skilled artisans. We work closely with our clients, to meet their requirements, follow their specifications, and offer guidance from experts in the field. Our in-house manufacturing allows for close supervisión and facilitates direct communication with our artisans. Our close physical proximity to other countries in North America, assures a fast lead time for our american clients.

We create high-end custom design rugs, in hometown Puebla, a Spanish colonial city, situated south of Mexico City, Mexico.

"Todo lo que puedes imaginar es real"

Pablo Picasso


For the past years we have been working with interior designers, architects and artists, to create rugs based in their own ideas, inspiration from paintings, photographs, etc. We believe that collaborations can bring togheter any idea in a wonderful way.


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(Please submit a photo and a brief description of what you are looking for)
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